Filmmaker Mariah Garnett travels to Vienna to meet her father David for the first time. Working through her own experience as a queer American artist, Garnett begins to chronicle David’s past life as an activist in Belfast in order to understand the conditions of his estrangement from family, country, and cause.
A series of films presented in partnership with The Contemporary Austin and its new group exhibition exploring how narratives and storytelling shape our senses of self, community, history, and identity: IN A DREAM YOU SAW A WAY TO SURVIVE AND YOU WERE FULL OF JOY, running September 17, 2022–February 12, 2023 at The Contemporary Austin’s downtown Jones Center. The accompanying film series includes BEBA by Rebeca Huntt, presented October 21 at the Jones Center; followed by TROUBLE by Mariah Garnett and SURNAME VIET GIVEN NAME NAM by Trinh T. Minh-ha, both screening at the AFS Cinema.