At this special screening of the thought-provoking drama about Artificial Intelligence, we will be joined by an expert AI panel, featuring Susann Keohane, a Global Research Leader for Aging and Master Inventor at IBM, and Adam Cutler, a Distinguished Designer in AI Design at IBM.
In the near future, a time of artificial intelligence: 86-year-old Marjorie (veteran actress Lois Smith)—a jumble of disparate, fading memories—has a handsome new companion (Jon Hamm) who looks like her deceased husband and is programmed to feed the story of her life back to her. What would we remember, and what would we forget, if given the chance? Also starring Academy Award®-winners Geena Davis and Tim Robbins, MARJORIE PRIME is based on Jordan Harrison’s Pulitzer-Nominated play, exploring memory and identity, love and loss.
More about Susann Keohane:
Susann Keohane is the IBM Global Research Lead for Aging and Master Inventor. Her current research is on AI Sensor Systems for Healthy Aging; applying advance analytics techniques to IoT sensor data to generate new insights that reduce risk, reduce cost of care and significantly improve the Elder’s quality of life. She is a top contributor to IBM’s 25 years of patent leadership with over 175 patents. Her passion for innovation drives her exploration of future accessible technology to help bridge the digital divide and improve the quality of life of the aging population.
More about Adam Cutler:
Adam Cutler is a founding member of IBM Design and one of the first three Distinguished Designers at IBM. He was responsible for the design and build out of the flagship IBM Design Studio in Austin, TX. He was also responsible for the competency, culture and practices of design and designers at IBM. This includes IBM Design Thinking, the IBM Design Language and IBM Design Research.For his Distinguished Designer mission, Adam is driving development of IBM’s point of view on the practice of AI Design.
Science on Screen is an initiative of the Coolidge Corner Theatre with major support from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.