“Mae West as a lion tamer, Cary Grant as a society lion, lots of adenoidal innuendo, and some good honky-tonk songs. Arguably West’s best film, certainly one of her funniest.”
—Pauline Kael
“Throughout the film, audiences are encouraged to watch and wonder at Mae West’s flamboyant style. Often they can do little else as the action comes to a halt, or rather, hangs suspended, while the camera focuses on West simply strutting her stuff.”
—Marybeth Hamilton, author of Goodness Had Nothing To Do With It: Censoring Mae West
Written by and starring Mae West, I’M NO ANGEL is as good a showcase as could be imagined for West’s bold style of double entendre humor. Mae plays a circus-sideshow burlesque queen who has her way with the men (among them a young Cary Grant).