Presented in five parts, this newly restored series of Fassbinder made-for-television films presents an intertwined panorama of German working couples. Newly rediscovered and restored. Please note that each chapter stands alone as a separate work and may be enjoyed individually.
Aliza Ma of Film Comment calls it. “A thrilling new peak in Fassbinder’s towering career… A brilliantly layered chamber drama about an eccentric family and their economic and cultural environment, which functions as both trenchant social critique and populist entertainment. The series depicts a tender family portrait – if always lined with Fassbinder’s characteristic sardonic humor – revealing a rare softer, subtler side to the auteur.”
This series celebrates the prolific master of New German Cinema and his razor-sharp gaze at culture and society across genre and style. Presented in conjunction with the restoration of his series of TV films, EIGHT HOURS DON’T MAKE A DAY.