Duck and cover! This narration-free film collage of newsreels, advertisements, and propaganda paints a picture of America at the dawn of the nuclear age that manages to be both chilling and hilarious. THE ATOMIC CAFE is an excellent example of the value of the film archive, stitching together images like the destruction of Hiroshima with a commercial featuring people drinking “Atomic Cocktails” for a type of dark humor that could only emerge in retrospect.
For this special Science on Screen event, we will be joined onstage for a special discussion by Dr. Can Kilic. Associate Professor in the Department of Physics at the University Of Texas. Dr. Kilic specializes in theoretical particle physics; extensions of the Standard Model; collider phenomenology; dark matter models and searches.
Science on Screen® is an initiative of the Coolidge Corner Theatre with major support from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.